Know the Benefits of CBD for Dogs Before Buying it
So how exactly does CBD work? Why do we think that CBD could potentially benefit our pets’ health? How can we get CBD for them? What should we know before buying CBD for dogs? Below, we answer all these questions and more.
What Is CBD?
Cannabidiol (or CBD) is one of the hundreds of cannabinoids that exist naturally in the hemp plant. Unlike THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, CBD has no psychoactive effects. Rather than producing feelings of euphoria or anxiety, users report feeling extremely relaxed and calm.
In addition to its medicinal benefits, CBD oil has also gained popularity due to its potential for recreational uses. Many CBD oils on the market today have zero amounts of THC — the high-inducing cannabinoid found in marijuana that’s responsible for causing a user to feel “high.” Because of this, CBD oils don’t produce any intoxicating effect whatsoever.
How Does CBD Work in Pets?
There are several ways CBD works in animals. For example, CBD can work directly on the nervous system, where it can affect neurotransmitter levels and function. As a result, it can alter certain behaviors and reduce anxiety. Since CBD does not interact with the receptors responsible for getting “stoned,” it won’t make pets feel intoxicated. Instead, CBD can create a sense of relaxation and calmness without negatively affecting mood.
It does this by interacting with CB1 receptors located primarily in the brain. Due to this, CBD can increase serotonin production, which helps regulate emotional responses and happiness. Moreover, CBD can also activate endocannabinoid signaling pathways, which regulate pain and inflammation.
However, because the government doesn’t recognize CBD as a food additive, it’s still illegal to consume for pets. Therefore, it shouldn’t be given to your dog or cat unless under the supervision of a veterinarian.
Are CBD Products Safe For Dogs And Cats?
As mentioned above, CBD oil isn’t legally allowed to be consumed by humans. However, pet owners continue to use it to treat their beloved companions. A lot of companies sell CBD products for pets, but not all of them are safe or effective.
The first thing to consider is whether or not the company selling you the product tests it for contaminants. Additionally, ensure that the manufacturer sells only pure CBD oil without additives. Finally, check out the products’ customer reviews to determine if others are experiencing similar problems. If you notice that customers have negative experiences with particular brands, then avoid them altogether.