What Makes A Good CBD-infused Pet Products

You’re not alone if you’ve noticed the recent increase in CBD pet products. This is because more and more people are beginning to realize what CBD can do for animals with various issues, from chronic illnesses to pain management.

Read on to learn more about this trend and what makes an excellent CBD-infused pet product! You’ll soon be able to decide whether this is the proper treatment solution for your pup or kitty.

The compound cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is a natural substance produced by many different plants. It’s one of several plant compounds produced by the “cannabinoid” family. Humans even have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) that rivals the capabilities of cannabis in regulating some essential functions. This is how cannabinoids like CBD get absorbed and distributed throughout the body.

CBD can be found in hemp oil, prized throughout history for its sturdy fibers and nutritious seeds. Many cultures incorporate hemp seeds and oil into their diets regularly. The modern market has even been able to separate the majority of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) – the psychoactive component in cannabis – from hemp oil. You may be surprised that you can legally buy hemp-sourced CBD products in all 50 states, thanks to their non-intoxicating properties.


Dogs and cats have endocannabinoid systems like humans and are, therefore, sensitive to cannabinoids. This includes both the beneficial cannabinoids like CBD and those which cause adverse effects (such as THC). Unfortunately, we don’t yet know enough about the endocannabinoid systems of dogs and cats to say how CBD will affect their symptoms confidently. That’s why thorough research is needed!

CBD-infused pet products tend to fall into one of two categories. The first type can be considered dietary supplements meant to help your pet cope with chronic illnesses and pain management. These can be given alongside traditional medication, as they have a minimal risk of side effects compared to other natural products. The second type is pet products intended for relaxation or even recreation, such as CBD hemp chews that provide relief from anxiety or an overall sense of well-being.

As with any product meant for your pet, it’s essential to seek out quality manufacturers that put the health and well-being of your furry friend first. This will be more likely if you plan on getting CBD from hemp oil, which is legal all across the United States.

Keep reading to learn more about what makes an excellent CBD-infused pet product. If you’re looking into getting a CBD hemp chew for your dog or cat, consider several factors before making your purchase.

In conclusion, choosing the right CBD supplement for your pet is essential to ensure their safety and well-being. Starting with the right product, following instructions and labels, and keeping pets healthy are all vital to staying safe.